Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to You

Happy first birthday to Mary's Mix Tape.

So much has happened over the past year, and not enough of it was written down. I keep a sticky note on my computer. On this sticky is where I write down my brilliant ideas for blogging - and I am sad to say that there are 7 things on that list that I have been neglecting for so long, that if I tried to compose something clever it would probably turn out very badly.


I have the words "a house with more than 23 windows" written down on this pastel yellow sticky, and although I can remember exactly when I saw this image and counted all the windows and thought that I just HAD to blog about it, I truly no longer have any clever thoughts to share. Just as I am writing about it now I will be deleting that topic - I can no longer recall what on earth I could have spent a few paragraphs blabbering about 23 windows for. It was a pretty house though.


My second post last year was during the first real snow storm in the city. And I find it fatalistic that as I sit here writing exactly one year later, a sister storm, bringing the first real snow of this season is falling perfectly outside of my living room window. The sidewalks were covered in the salts today before it even began to snow. These are the salts that make the floors of the subways white. Just as it began to snow a simply perfect snowflake landed on my boyfriend's eyelash.


I have to admit that I do like the snow. But I am also excited to be escaping this freezing cold city for almost two weeks to dwell in the not so cold and much sunnier Los Angeles. Then when I come back and finish my third semester I can not feel so bitter when it is six degrees outside when I walk to school in the morning.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Time Goes Away

It has been way too long since I have gone out with my camera, so yesterday on my 20 block walk home from class I decided to take the scenic route and capture some of this beautiful city's holiday charm.

It is a special feeling living only four blocks away from these beautiful sights - and I hope that I never stop appreciating that for as long as I live in New York City.