First stop was Mary's Fish Camp, the cutest small plate restaurant in the west village. It is one of those tiny places that has as many tables crammed into it as possible and you are sitting with the people at the tables next to you as much to the person(s) you came with across from you, but I think that adds to the fun. The best thing we ordered was the dorado with edamame and grapefruit. Yum.
That same night we took the walk down Bleeker Street and around a corner to the long awaited Popbar. Pasha went simple with a mango bar with white chocolate and macadamia nuts, while I took the bar "less traveled by" - chocolate bar dipped in milk chocolate sprinkled with almonds and granola dipped again, this time in dark chocolate and drizzled with white chocolate. I really couldn't stop myself. I could have all I wanted for only one extra dollar. Sign me up. This is the only non-incriminating picture - the rest are of me with chocolate all over my face and clothes. Scandalous.
A few days later I took part in a performance in Washington Square Park about human/sex trafficking. After the performance we took a nice walk to alphabet city to the remarkable Sigmund's Pretzel Shop. As you can see the pretzels were fantastic.
We went a little pretzel crazy, purchasing no less than two salted pretzels, one , and (my favorite) . We also took advantage of all the fun dips:
At the Lincoln Memorial I had a run in with some "super-cool" frat boys, who interrupted me while I was reading. Out of no where I hear, "Wow dude, that is a long speech..." the other doofus responds with, "Yeah man, there is no way I am reading that..." my response: "It's called the Gettysburg address and two paragraphs is not really that long." I was annoyed for a few minutes, and then I took this picture and realized how being annoyed while being somewhere so foundational would be a waste of time. Schooled.
I love that you have posted more this month than ever before. I also enjoy hearing about your adventures in NYC. I'm hoping to come see you someday. Hopefully I'll have the moneys to make a trip next year. Love you lots, mateE.